Dedicated to helping victims reclaim their lives.
Being the victim of a crime can drastically change the victim's life and that of their family. Victims can suffer from life long pain because of the severity of a physical injury and/or the psychological harm that results from an assault, rape, shooting, or any other violent crime. We use the civil justice system to give victims a voice.
Inadequate security, supervision, or training is often to blame for an otherwise preventable assault, rape, or homicide.
Human trafficking, the act of taking another's freedom for profit, is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. It is estimated that 24.9 million people worldwide are enduring this human rights crime.
For the past decade, Gregory Zarzaur has focused his practice on representing crime victims in civil litigation. Many of Gregory's most notable cases are those representing survivors of human trafficking.
A common misconception is that human trafficking only involves sex trafficking. Human trafficking is also defined to include forced labor that deprives another person of their freedoms and while sex trafficking may be more widely discussed, Polaris estimates that labor trafficking accounts for 81% of all human trafficking. The International Labour Organization estimates that 16 million of those labor trafficking victims are trafficked in the private sector. Across our country, these areas often include:
Domestic Service
Processing Plants
Internationally, human trafficking is rampant in industries that value profit over freedom, human dignity, or safety. These industries often include:
Federal law enables survivors of sex trafficking to sue any business that knew or should have known it was benefitting financially from a sex trafficking venture. Potential defendants include:
Illicit Massage Parlors
Strip Clubs
Fraudulent Modeling Agencies
Of all the cases handled in our firm, the ones we bring on behalf of survivors of child sex abuse hold special meaning. Giving a voice to the most vulnerable among us is our most meaningful work.
If you suspect your child has been the victim of sexual abuse, you should contact law enforcement. Law enforcement officials pursue criminal charges to hold the perpetrator accountable under various criminal laws. Law enforcement will likely also coordinate your child's visit with a mental health professional at your local child advocacy center.
Our firm represents victims in civil cases, which means that we pursue the best interest of your child. We litigate child abuse cases aggressively and seek compensation for your child's physical and emotional suffering. This recovery is often a critical step in providing the support and counseling your child may need moving forward.
In 2016, Gregory was named a "Community Hero" by Birmingham Parent Magazine for his work representing victims of child sex abuse and has focused the last decade of his career specifically on crime victim representation. Our firm is familiar with the emotional and legal complexities involved in these sensitive cases and takes pride in serving families during these most difficult times.
With our smallest clients in mind, we designed our office to be both welcoming and fun. When you visit, you will find a playroom filled with books and toys, a playhouse, a purple piano, and walls covered with vibrant art. A meeting with us should not be stressful or retraumatizing, and we do our best to make our office one that your child (and our own children) can enjoy.
If you would like to speak to Gregory about what happened to your child, you can reach him at 205-983-7985.

If your child is a dog lover, please let us know. Sailor is always happy to sit in on meetings!
There are more than 26 million crime victims in the United States each year. Although many crime victims do not realize it, every victim of a violent crime likely has a civil tort claim that should be investigated by a lawyer with experience representing crime victims. Even if the offender was not found guilty in the criminal courts, the victim of a crime still has a right to hold offenders, and any responsible third parties accountable for their wrongdoing.
At The Zarzaur Law Firm, we take great pride in representing crime victims. We believe the civil justice system empowers these victims and presents them with an opportunity to be compensated for their physical and emotional injuries, as well as their financial losses.
Our firm represents people across the country who have been victims of crime. In most cases, these crimes could have been prevented. Some of our most common cases are those representing victims of:
Drunk Driving
Inadequate Security
Assault or Robbery
Gun Violence
Homicide and Vehicular Manslaughter
Have you or someone you know been a victim of a violent crime or been injured or killed by unreasonable conduct? If so, please reach out to us for a free consultation.
The intense suffering that accompanies a catastrophic injury or the loss a loved one under any circumstance is devastating. However, suffering such a life-changing injury or losing a loved one due to the unreasonable conduct of another is particularly painful. The Zarzaur Law Firm has lawyers that can help you and your family navigate the court system and honestly explain the process and manage expectations throughout the process.
Nothing can erase the physical suffering and emotional turmoil of a catastrophic injury, but financial support can make a huge difference to you and your family.
Recalled or Defective Drugs
Car Wrecks
18 Wheeler Accidents
Defective Products
Premises Liability
The aim of all of our work is to create a more just and fair society. One that honors all people and that holds those responsible for the suffering of others responsible for their actions.
Our lawyers have spent many years litigating cases against the Alabama Department of Corrections fighting to protect the constitutional rights of prisoners in the state of Alabama. In early 2019, the conditions in Alabama's prisons were found to be unconstitutional by the U.S. Department of Justice. Read more about that case here.
Complex Litigation
Complex Litigation arises when a lawsuit or dispute takes an unexpected turn and circumstances necessitate experienced litigators or new areas of law are being forged. At The Zarzaur Law Firm, we are involved in many of the most influential issues of our time. From prison reform and opioids to human trafficking and child sex abuse, we are dedicated to advancing the law in areas that will have a critical and positive impact on the most vulnerable among us.